NOTE:  As of mid-December, our Downtown location at 800 SW 13th Avenue has begun closing to patient care and all clinical operations are being relocated to our five neighborhood locations in the Portland Metro area. Read more here >>

Insurance Information

Learn about the insurance plans accepted at The Portland Clinic.

View the complete list of in-network insurance plans accepted at The Portland Clinic for 2024 >>

View the complete list of in-network insurance plans accepted at The Portland Clinic for 2025 >>

Uninsured Patients
The Portland Clinic requires self-pay patients to make a down payment at each office visit. A patient is required to pay $278.00 at their first appointment and $227.00 at each additional appointment. Patients are also asked to sign a waiver acknowledging this amount is a down payment and not a guarantee of payment in full, as your appointment may cost more or less depending on the services rendered.

Out-of-Network Plans

If you are covered under an out-of-network plan, you will be asked to sign a Waiver of Liability acknowledging that you are electing to be seen using your out of network benefits.

If The Portland Clinic does not have a direct contract with your health plan, you will be financially responsible for the full cost of care. Due to network and participation restrictions, The Portland Clinic is unable to be a primary care provider, place referrals, request authorizations or coordinate care for patients with non-contracted insurance plans. Exceptions will be made for emergency department (ED) referrals, single-case rate agreements negotiated in advance, and/or continued care with an on-call provider seen in the hospital.

Health Exchange

If you’re looking for coverage through the Oregon Health Exchange, we encourage you to visit or call 1-855-268-3767.

The Portland Clinic is currently participating with the following health plans through the Health Exchange:

  • Bridgespan (Real Value Network)
  • Moda Health (Beacon Network)
  • PacificSource Navigator
  • Providence Choice
  • Providence Connect
  • Regence


No Surprises Act
Under the governmental law, the No Surprises Act, effective January 1, 2022, gives uninsured patients and those who elect to be self-pay the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency services. Your health care provider should furnish a Good Faith Estimate in writing at least three business days before your scheduled medical service. You can also ask your healthcare provider, and any other provider you choose, for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule a service.

As a patient, you have the right to initiate the patient-provider dispute resolution process if the balance owed is substantially more than the expected charges listed on the estimate. To find more information and start this process, go to, call 1-877-696-6775, or use the patient-provider dispute form, linked here.