Preparing for all of Portland’s outdoor competition

Keep yourself stretched, limber and motivated this spring!

Portland has certainly seen its fair share of precipitation, whether the occasional street-closing snow storm or heavy rains filling up muddy holes on our beloved trails. We’re on our way to the dry glory days of late spring, and athletes — both professional and amateur — are looking forward to the many outdoor events scheduled throughout our city and the surrounding areas, especially if they kept out of competition during the rain-soaked runs and rides!

Doctors and nurses at The Portland Clinic encourage all of our neighbors to train for, volunteer at and participate in local events as safely as possible. Whether you’re looking to join a couch-to-5K program, podium at the Portland Marathon or bike a great distance over all of our bridges, it’s important to consider checking in with your physician or physical therapist to ensure your body is ready to begin training.

When considering physical therapy (PT), it’s important to understand the treatment techniques you’ll experience, including massage, stretching, exercise and other means of recovery, in lieu of medication or surgery. The benefits of PT are not only crucial to proper recovery after an injury, but also vital to continue a healthy quality of life once rehabilitated. PT treatments can help with the following:

  • Improve mobility for increased range of movement
  • Prevent chronic pain
  • Increase balance and strength as you age
  • Empower you to take on a level of self-responsibility to your own injury prevention and recovery
  • Assist you in avoiding painkillers if you are injured

Make sure to take advantage of all the great opportunities around town to increase your outdoor activity. Here are a few of our favorites.

Hood to Coast, the Portland Marathon and the November Project are great ways of testing your limits, or simply challenging your comfort levels. The nearly limitless mileage of our running trails, waterfront areas and streets can lead you on any training distance required to meet your goals. Don’t forget to check out the local public schools’ tracks and bleachers to get that heart rate up!

Forest Park, the Columbia River Gorge, Mount Hood and all the Pacific Northwest’s glory offer a tremendous number of trails, peaks, waterfalls and beautiful viewpoints to explore while helping you reach your step, heart rate or training goals. Are you a fan of short trails with beautiful waterfalls? Perhaps long, overnight mountain trails that will test your endurance? We have it all within a few hours of travel time!

We are certainly a bike-friendly city here in Portland, with more than 350 miles of bike lanes on our roads, plus more in the works! Don’t forget about all the well-maintained mountain trails. Biketown has you covered whether you don’t have a two-wheeled ride of your own, or you’re looking to take a social media-worthy photo. Biking events in Portland range from simple bike clinics and tune-up classes to century classes and, for those with an even greater adventurous spirit, the Naked Bike Ride.

Share your outdoor workout ideas with us on Twitter at @PortlandClinic.

The doctors and nurses at The Portland Clinic encourage our neighbors to stay smart and safe when considering a new outdoor workout routine or jumping back into their regularly scheduled fitness routine. If you have any questions, please schedule an appointment or consultation with our staff of physical therapists and/or your general practice physician by calling 503-223-3113 or visiting Please note, most physical therapists and orthopedists require a referral from a primary care provider.