Changing your whole diet, all at once, is hard. But making just one small change per month is pretty doable. Here are three power moves to practice this spring for healthy weight management.
APRIL: Add protein to your breakfast
If you’re a breakfast eater, you’re already on the right track. People who eat breakfast have better appetite control and make better food choices than those who skip it.
To amp up your breakfast game just add protein. Spreading your protein evenly across the day, rather than just lunch and dinner, supports weight loss by increasing muscle mass and calorie burning, regulating blood sugar, keeping you full longer and even reducing urges to snack at night.
To tweak your current breakfast, add nuts to your cereal, spread almond butter on your toast, trade your regular yogurt for higher-protein Greek yogurt or cottage cheese, top your bagel with smoked salmon, or add protein powder to your smoothie. Here are 38 more protein-packed breakfast ideas.
MAY: Pack your lunch
We don’t make the best choices when we’re ravenous. In May, take control of your choices: pack your own lunch. Your BYO lunch is almost guaranteed to be lower in calories and saturated fat than takeout. Pack it with filling fiber, lean protein and satisfying, heart-healthy fats. To keep boredom at bay, try new wraps, sandwiches, soups, salads and grain bowls. Try these 30 healthy lunch ideas.
JUNE: Become a super-snacker
Is snacking your weakness? In June, turn it into your super power. Done right, snacking can help avoid mid-day energy slumps, between-meal hangries and overeating at dinner.
The key is to be prepared when snack attacks strike. And once again, protein and fiber are your heroes. Stock up on nuts and nut butters, fresh fruits and berries, pre-cut veggies, hardboiled eggs, hummus, whole-grain crackers and healthy trail bars. Now you can make your own snack packs and be your own vending machine. Here are 10 more ideas for super snacks.
Want more positive and effective strategies for healthy weight management, read our blog.